i apologize for the lack in posts, however (pardon my language) my life has been a clusterfuck this past month or so.
Ive now been on ivs 6 of the last 7 weeks but am hopefully done on the 16th (4 more days!!!) and can be free of needles, crazy itchy port sites, and antibiotics that are due at the worst times! during this time my meds have been changed 3 times and i cant say im happy with any of them, one made me extremely feverish, sick, and made me feel pins and needles throughout my body for about 5 or so days till i finally couldnt take it anymore and was switched over to a med that made me so dizzy i couldnt walk for a week and now my face in numb and i cant eat or even keep my tube feeds down....win. *rolls eyes*
luckily im beginning to start climbing the health ladder again but im not quite out of the woods. I have appointments with a psychiatrist and a psychologist on monday to help conrol my stress, anxiety, and depression that seems to have gotten worse ten fold lately, then an ENT appointment on thursday to make sure the sinus infection i seem to have had for about 89345093845342 years is under control, and then the cherry on top : transplant clinic on friday. this is a big appointment because after all the ivs if my lung function has continued to drop, reactivation on the list might be necessery. im holding out as long as possible but im not sure how much longer that will be.
the most upsetting part is that this all came out of nowhere, a post not long ago i was talking about how much i was loving hiking and being off of oxygen, i was making waves in my workouts and i was stronger than i ever have been. this is a prime example of how one small bug can change your health overnight. It can come out of nowhere and bite you right in the ass and next thing you know your hooked up to ivs, feeding tubes, oxygen, with nebs going while you watch the x-files in bed for 10 hours straight only getting up to wobble your dizzy ass to the bathroom and back.
its been a ride. somehow through all of this shenanigans i also managed to finish summer glasses and im proudly just a few tests away from finally getting my GED!! i plan to finish these last tests on sunday and then ill be all set to start school to become a pharmacy technician!! i only missed 2 classes due to being in the hospital but caught right back up and through hard work and some help from my friends im well on my way! Relisting or not i plan to start my schooling with online classes and a few on campus so that when the time comes for my shiny new lungs i have something to do with them!! (work, become a baller, buy my dog rubies, and take him on a trip around the world. ya know. stuff like that)
ive also just wrapped up a project i did with PAWS Chicago to help bring awareness to rescue pups and to cf all in one shot so stay tuned for that ill be posting it as soon as its done!! Im also working on a few more posts about some topics near and dear to my heart so expect a few of those soon as well!!! thats about it for now, my health update and my super smart self finally getting my book learnin on!! thanks for reading as always, and feel free to check out my facebook page and my instagram to keep up on more current and frequent things, both of which are listed to the right under the about me and stunning pic (im so humble!)
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